Wednesday 2 December 2009

Blue moon month

December is the month of "the blue moon". The popular definition means it is the 2nd full month to occur in one calendar month. One full moon was this morning, 2nd Dec, and the other will be New Year's Eve, 31st Dec at 7.11pm GMT. On average there will be 41 months with 2 full moons per century or once every 2 and a half years ..... once in a Blue Moon! The skies here in Dubrovnik tend to be quite good for watching out for stars and the moon, so will be on the lookout for the blue moon at the end of the year (champagne in hand!).


  1. The full moon has been so bright these past few nights. It casts a cold and silvery light over all the naked trees! Beautiful...

  2. Yes, our storms have past and we too have fabulous silver light over the seas, very special.
